About HTML
About HTML
Feiliang Zhou

About HTML


What is HTML

-Hypertext Markup Language -HTML is a markup language that web developers use to structure and describe the content of a webpage (not a programming language). -HTML consists of elements that describe different types of content: paragraphs, links, headings, images, videos, etc. -Web browsers understand HTML and render code as websites.

Anatomy of an HTML element

<p>HTML is a Markup language</p>
  1. Opening tag: Name of the element, wrapped in < and >

  2. Content: Content of the element, in this example text. But it might be another element (child element). Some elements have no content (e.g. <img>).

  3. Closing tag: Same as Opening tag, but with a /. When element has no content, it's omitted.

Semantic HTML tags:

<strong></strong> to replace <b></b>

emphasize: (to make the words italic)
<em></em> to replace <i></i>

Image tag:

<img src="some.png" alt="my picture" />

alt attribute means alternative text.

HTML entity